Monday, October 26, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Four Years Ago Today...
We said "I do, I will, I promise, for eternity" in the eyes of our family, friends and God.

Looking back on it now, I realize we were so young then. At the tender age of 24, did we have any idea what was in store for us?
We've been through law school, the Bar exam, two layoffs, four new jobs, moved into our first house, bought our first cars together, traveled to Mexico, Europe, California, Chicago, Oregon, Washington, Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon.
We've been through the highest highs and lowest lows. What matters is what we've never forgotten...
That we will always have each other to turn to for love and support. That we will be each other's best friend. That we will have each other to laugh with and cry with - that we will never be alone. That the bad times won't be quite so bad and the good times will be even better when we're together.
I'm so thankful for you, for this life we've built, for us.
It's been a great four years....and we have exciting things in store for us.
I can't wait to see where the next four {and more!} take us.
Happy Anniversary, Hubs.
I love you forever.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Kreativ Blogger Award
First off, I'm sending a huge thank you to Sara at This Beautiful Thing for giving me this amazing award! I am so very honored.

I'm tagging 7 of my newest followers. I can't wait to read your responses!
Tasha at The Hot Spot
Sara at That's Sassy
Bella at Bella Serenity
Ashley at Pink-ture Perfect
Ashley at {Let Go, Laughing}
Rachel at Beautiful Life
Elizabeth at Gangl*icious
And to everyone else, what is something I may not know about you? Leave me a comment and let me know!

Here are the rules:
- Thank the person who gave this to you.
- Copy the logo and place it in your blog.
- Link the person who nominated you.
- Name 7 things about yourself that no one would really know.
- Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
- Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
- Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know you nominated them.
Here are 7 things you may not know about me...
- I wear glasses all day at work. They help me focus on the computer screen that I stare at for hours upon hours. The rest of the time, I don't really wear them.
- I lurrrve salty foods. Give me potato chips over chocolate any day.
- I have little fingers. Not freakishly little, they fit my body, but I wear a size 4 ring. Most people can barely fit my wedding rings on their pinky finger.
- My two best friends in the whole wide world are my oldest friends; I met them both in 2nd grade.
- I had a horse named Dakota as a kid. He was pretty much my life. I can't wait until I have the time/money for horses again.
- I must start my morning out with coffee. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. And I like it sweet and creamy - lots of milk and Splenda!
- If I could do something totally different from my current career, I would be an esthetician.
Tasha at The Hot Spot
Sara at That's Sassy
Bella at Bella Serenity
Ashley at Pink-ture Perfect
Ashley at {Let Go, Laughing}
Rachel at Beautiful Life
Elizabeth at Gangl*icious
And to everyone else, what is something I may not know about you? Leave me a comment and let me know!
Friday, October 9, 2009
My week by the numbers...
4: Hours of Gossip Girl watched (finally caught up on the season!)
3: Times I repeated the mash-ups on this week's episode of Glee (ummm, who didn't love this?!?)
2: Boxes of Kleenex used (just call me Rudolph)
1: Pack of Ramen Noodles that Hubs so lovingly prepared for meto stop my whining
In all honesty, there might be nothing better than seeing your sweet husband play nurse to make you feel better. He made me food, sympathized, sent hugs my way, and didn't complain once about having to take care of me. Thanks, J!
I'm getting back to the swing of things. I am at work today, but longing for my pj's tonight. Come on, 5 o'clock!
Do you have anything fun in store for the weekend?
3: Times I repeated the mash-ups on this week's episode of Glee (ummm, who didn't love this?!?)
2: Boxes of Kleenex used (just call me Rudolph)
1: Pack of Ramen Noodles that Hubs so lovingly prepared for me
In all honesty, there might be nothing better than seeing your sweet husband play nurse to make you feel better. He made me food, sympathized, sent hugs my way, and didn't complain once about having to take care of me. Thanks, J!
I'm getting back to the swing of things. I am at work today, but longing for my pj's tonight. Come on, 5 o'clock!
Do you have anything fun in store for the weekend?
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Sick as a DOG
Hi, friends. Just checking in. What have I been up to all week? Sick in bed.
I've used up a full box of Kleenex, drank two 2-liter bottles of Diet 7UP and watched countless hours of Tivo'd television.
Good news is that I think I am turning the corner. By tomorrow I should be back to normal. I even made it up today to disinfect the kitchen and bathrooms and {gasp!} shower.
Now, time to load up on more medication and take a mid-afternoon nap.
How have your weeks been going? Do fill me in. I've missed you all terribly!
I've used up a full box of Kleenex, drank two 2-liter bottles of Diet 7UP and watched countless hours of Tivo'd television.
Good news is that I think I am turning the corner. By tomorrow I should be back to normal. I even made it up today to disinfect the kitchen and bathrooms and {gasp!} shower.
Now, time to load up on more medication and take a mid-afternoon nap.
How have your weeks been going? Do fill me in. I've missed you all terribly!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
A Cancer reacting to Cancer
Today, October 1st, starts the rebirth of Miss E. You see, friends, I've been hunkered down, hiding in my shell. I'm the prototypical Cancerian crab, if you will.
Crabs live in the inter-tidal zone of the oceans, where tides rise and fall twice every day. This is the most dynamic and changeful place on earth, but also the most nutrient rich. Because of the constant change, Cancer have developed a hard outer shell for protection. Cancer can use the hard outer shell of your home as your protection. But it's more than just that. Typically, your sensitive Cancer can hold your feelings quietly behind your own walls. Crabs also have large pinching claws, and Cancer can hold onto things, especially from the past. Cancer are fiercely loyal and have a difficult time letting go. But Cancer are also quick to bring those you love inside the safety of your outer shell while you nurture them. Cancer love is protective, but unless tempered, can be smothering. Cancer motto could be, "A good defense is the best offense." Like a Crab in its cave, your attack can consist of baiting your opponent into your territory. What appears to be a retreat to others can be your best aggressive tactic. As you feel your way through life, building your security by developing your home and family relationships, remember that unexpressed anger can turn into resentment and depression, so find someone you can trust and share your feelings.
Since we're on the topic, let's break it down, shall we?
Typically, your sensitive Cancer can hold your feelings quietly behind your own walls.
I've felt overwhelmed lately. Since Sara Cate's diagnosis of Hodgkins Lymphoma, I've just been down. Down that a 25-year old otherwise healthy young woman could be affected as she has been. Down for how this diagnosis is rippling out to all of those I love. Down that I'm watching this unfold and feeling completely helpless.
But Cancer are also quick to bring those you love inside the safety of your outer shell while you nurture them.
I cannot shelter everyone that I love right now - it's just not possible. I wish I could shelter Sara from the cancer, my baby brother {note: ok, not really a baby at 24-years old, but to me he will always be my baby brother} from the stress of being a 3rd year medical student in rotations and barely having enough time to sleep in a day let alone care for her, my parents who have opened their home to help care for both Sara and my brother during this time. I can't even shelter myself from this and I've come to realize - as I've had to at times before in my life - that I have to just let go and trust in God that everything will play out as it is intended.
...find someone you can trust and share your feelings.
I've reacted to this tough time as I usually do: I retreat into my shell and shun the outside world. I've been a bad friend - sorry to those who I have yet to call back and email, you know who you are - I don't mean to be silent, I'm just trying to get myself back on track, regain control of my life. I want to be the happy, strong, confident woman who I've buried inside me. I deserve that, my loved ones deserve that.
So today marks a new day. I'm taking care of myself and tackling the things I can control in my life. The rest? I'll leave it to God. Because I can't control everything around me all the time. I can only be the best person I can be each day. So no more sulking, no more retreating, no more silence.
I'm telling you all this not because I'm looking for sympathy or kind words. I'm saying this because you are my "someones" with whom I can trust and share my feelings. You are the ones who listen (read) me at my best, worst, silliest, wittiest, saddest. You are the ones who have sent me emails and comments asking where I've been, how I'm doing. You are the ones who are a safe place for me, who make me want to come out of my shell. For this, I'm grateful to you all.
So, friends, I'm back. Out of my shell and enjoying the sunshine. It's nice out here.
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