Friday, May 15, 2009

Confessions of a Schizophrenic Bookworm

I have a confession.... I still haven't finished The Shack. I know, I know. So many of you have emailed me and asked how I liked it that I simply had to come clean. It's not that I don't like it. Really. It's just a little hard to digest in the 30 minutes a night that I get to read before falling asleep. I need to devote some time to it....and I'm thinking that time needs to be when I'm sunning by the pool. So I have put it down in the meantime. For those of you who have read it, did you ever feel the same way? While on the plane/in CA last week, I picked up The Poisonwood Bible and couldn't put it down. That is, until I came back to my hellish week and haven't had 5 minutes to myself. {Ok, I might have chosen Grey's over reading last night. So sue me!}

I may or may not also be three chapters into in the middle of Sophie Kinsella's Remember Me?. Oh my gosh, what is wrong with me?!

I love to read, I really do. I used to find time during lunch at work, at night before bed, while Hubs was studying for school. I just find that life has gotten so busy {read: working lunches, falling asleep in front of the tv at night, Hubs finally being on my same schedule}. I think I need some time by the pool, stat!

Have you ever gotten into a reading funk? Please tell me it's not just me! xoxo Miss E


Jessica said...

I've been the same way - especially with The Shack. I want to finish it. I want to understand it. But I know that it just takes too much of my time - I must think about it.

Lonnie said...

There is nothing wrong with you. This is why we are friends. I am currently reading three books as well. Love you!

E said...

I get into reading funks, it's not just you. I go through periods where I am devouring books and just can't seem to keep unread books around. Then suddenly, I am done reading. I start a book and can't seem to really finish it, then I will try and start another, same thing. Then there are 3-5 partially read books I am working on.

Wearing Mascara said...

It's not just you! I'm the exact same way. Funny though - my bf is exact opposite. He falls into one book at a time and finishes it in 2 weeks no sweat. Me? I have to LOVE a book to continue with it. I have no patience!

Btw, how do you like Remember Me so far?

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

I still haven't finished The Shack.

I need a book to rope me in..for some reason, the writing style didn't do it for me.

Maybe I need to re-read Twilight to get my groove back.

Melissa @ I Pick Pretty said...

The reading funk happens to me on occasion too. I don't worry about it too much when it does; I am too much of a book nerd to stay away for long.

That Sophie Kinsella book is really fun, by the way; whenever you feel like getting back to it, I recommend sticking with it.

Mrs. Hanson said...

I felt the SAME way... I used to read all the time and then there was just a few months where I didn't even want to pick a book up. Mindless tv and life took over.... but I just started reading again THIS weekend and now I remember why I missed it SO much!

MissBliss said...

Hi! I definitely relate! Can read multiple books and get in a funk until reading something just right for that time for me...

Thanks for your comment on my guest post at Reality of Happily Ever After!

I tagged you on my blog with a queen award! :)

Domestic Diva said...

So can relate. I read several books at once and some I just can't finish.

Have a fantastic day!!
xxxx me