Thursday, May 14, 2009

It's A Celebration

Hello lovelies! I know I have been remiss in posting {don't I start every post out like this!} but I have been quite the busy bee. I was able to steal away for a few days last week to San Diego with my mom for a little girl bonding time. So needed! But, as all working professionals know, I am very much paying for it this week as I have been absolutely swamped with work. Add in a VP visit, and there you have my week. I am so very excited to let you all know that Hubs has passed the Bar exam and is now a full-fledged Arizona attorney! He found out last Friday via internet. Arizona posts the names of all passing attorneys on their website. You can imagine our hearts fluttering whilst looking for his name! But never fear, his name was there and we couldn't be happier. The last step in this long amazing journey. {For those dear Interweb friends who may not know, Hubs and I got married, moved into our house and he started law school all within mere months of one another. Phew!} His graduation ceremony is this Saturday, so we are looking forward to a weekend of fun and celebration. Well I'm off to enjoy a glass of wine and the two-hour Grey's Anatomy finale. From the tweets I saw flying about, I'm quite excited to watch it. It's Poker Night tonight, although not at my house, so I better hurry while I have some peace and quiet Hubs is out playing. xoxo Miss E


Jessica said...

Congrats to your hubby!

Blue-Eyed Bride said...

congratulations to your hubby! big huge deal!!!! that's such an amazing accomplishment!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Yay for a girly getaway.

And, congrats to your hubby for passing the bar!

Melissa @ I Pick Pretty said...

Congratulations to your husband!

How did I not know that you were on vacation in my homeland? Glad you had a great trip.

Domestic Diva said...

Congrats!! Have a fabulous weekend!!!
xxxxxx me

Danya said...

Congrats to Jose, Erin! I'm so happy for the two of you!

Jackie said...

How exciting!

My husband and I got married, moved to DC, and he started law school within a couple months too! I hope are story works out like yours!!