Thursday, June 25, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Payson & Poker; Making Memories With My Dad
Edited To Add:
There's just something about a small town that I love. Maybe it's the way everyone knows your name or that you can get from one edge of town to the other in under 10 minutes. Or maybe it's the slow pace. Whatever it is, Payson gives me that awesome small town experience.
This past weekend was no exception. With some of my mom's family in town from Chicago (my aunt, my cousin and his wife and their 18-month old son) it was a great excuse to drive up to the mountains to cool off and get outta town. My aunt who lives in Phoenix also joined along with my uncle, 3 more cousins and my cousin's boyfriend. Add in my Grammy, brother, his girlfriend, Hubs, my parents and me. Oh and my two pups and my brother's and his girlfriend's cat. There were 17 of us in total. It was hectic and crowded, and couldn't have been more fun.
On Saturday after dinner, some of us decide to make a run to the casino just outside of town. When we walked in, my Gram and aunts went for the slot machines. My dad, brother, uncle and I were going to play Blackjack. This was my first time playing (in a casino) and my dad fronted me $50 and offered to teach/help me along. How could I turn down that offer?
With me on one side of my dad and my brother on the other, we played. We had fun, we won, I learned when to hit and when to stay, when to double down and when to split your cards. At one point, we realized that it was officially Father's Day (we played until 2am Sunday!). I couldn't imagine a better way to ring in Father's Day. With my dad teaching and guiding us, having fun, staying up late with my brother and me. Such a great memory!
That's the best thing about my dad: he's always been my hero. For as long as I can remember, I've been proud of him, looked up to him, loved him with all my heart. He's the smartest, most patient, sensitive, and loving man. He taught me what a good father and husband should be. There's no way I would be the person I am today without him (literally, I'm a lot of my mom and ton of my dad, personality traits, physical ailments and all).
When they finally closed the table down on us, we cashed in our chips. My dad even let my brother and me keep what we had won (over the $50 initial investment that we repaid). I walked away with $25 in my wallet and a memory that I will cherish forever.
Miss E
Friday, June 19, 2009
The Story of Us
It's 2003 and Miss E is halfway through her Junior year at Arizona State University (Go Devils!)
I had taken my oh-so-dreamy Spanish professor up on an offer to study abroad in a small town called Alicante on the east coast of Spain. Spanish was one of my majors so this was not only a great opportunity to go abroad {which I always wanted to do, but wasn't sure if I had the guts to actually go through with it}, but also fulfilled my remaining credits needed for my Spanish degree. Perfect, right?
So I pack up
Would I miss my family and friends?
Immensely, but I'd be fine and so would they.
Would I like my host family?
Yes, in her late-70's, Encarnita was more like a grandma to me. So sweet and patient and made the best food!
Would I feel "home" in this new city?
Absolutely, from the 10th century castle that overlooked the city to the grafiti on the walls, Alicante became a comfortable place. I came to know and love the little old people walking their little old dogs every morning on my way to the bus, the constant inhalation of cigarette smoke, the amazing coffee in the sidewalk cafes, the old movie theatres with their worn velvet chairs, the mercado that opened every Saturday with an array of meats, cheeses, fruits and vegetables, even the angry Spaniards protesting America and the Iraqi war through the streets. This all became a part of me and shaped me in ways I never could have imagined.
My program consisted of 35 of the best people imaginable who became my travel partners and best amigos. We explored, we sang, we drank, we went to movies, we ate, we drank, we talked passionately, we drank, we danced (until sunrise!) and then did it all over again. Oh, and fit a few classes too.
I met Hubs the very first day in Alicante. As luck would have it he ended up living with a host family just down the street from mine. We walked to the bus together everyday. Which turned into dinners at night and movies and then traveling. We were very different people, but drawn to each other nonetheless. He was so mature! So determined! So unlike all the
I was sure, being the ever-practical and
Luckily for me, the story doesn't end there. I got a call from Hubs

{Omg, I can't believe I'm showing this pic to the world.}

We celebrated Valentine's Day here
(which became our "1st date" anniversary).

waiting for the bus that (almost) never came.
So that is the Story of Us. Or at least, a cursory version of how we met. I'm thinking I'll continue to document our story through our engagement, wedding and through to today. And I'll throw some more stories of our time in Spain in there if you all are interested.
Let me know, no?
Miss E
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Cleaning Out My Closet Twitter
I know a lot of you are on Twitter. Do you follow me? Do I follow you? Think I need to clean out some of the randoms (ahem, yes, that includes you @nudegreg) and want to make sure I'm following all you good ones back. So leave me a comment or @reply me, deal?
PS - I'm MissEinAZ. You can access my page via the gadget at the left too!
Miss E
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Oh, iPhone, how do I love thee?
Obviously it's a one-stop shop. Mail, text, phone and music all in one. But these apps? Make my life infinitely easer.
Want to stalk your ex-bffs, ex-bf/ex-gf, coworkers or friend's parents? Facebook it is! And, natch, there's an app that will take you right there in 3 seconds flat.
Now I'm off to click Check for Update one last time! C'mon, it's June 17th somewhere...
PS - Bravo, Blogger, for your easier-to-use interface. Here's hoping this mitigates the eyeball-gouging situations in which I frequently find myself.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Chocolate FAIL, or Why You Shouldn't Go To The Grocery Store When Hungry

{Credit} So I stopped at the grocery store on my way home from work. Always a bad idea. I'm hungry and tired and just want to get home. But I had to get some last minute fixins for our dinner tonight. I grab what I need, turn innocently back up any random aisle towards the checkout lanes. Well this any random aisle just happened to house cereal. Which I love. {Sidenote: if I could, I would eat cereal for breakfast and dinner. Yes, everyday. Maybe Frosted Flakes in the morning with a serving of Lucky Charms for dinner.} So, of course, I pick up a few choice boxes. C'mon, they were on sale!
Then why do you have melted chocolate on your butt?
But, I tell you what, that piece of chocolate was worth it. And it was dark chocolate, which, like wine, has many health benefits. Mmmm, wine and chocolate. Maybe I'll just skip dinner tonight altogether!
xoxo Miss E
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Our Family

She is the dumbest sweetest thing on Earth. Her eyes look at you with pure love and adoration. She can be found most days either attached to my ankles or warming my pillow on the bed (much to the chagrin of Hubs).
Bentley and Lulu reap the benefits of an as-of-yet childless couple. They complete the first phase of our family.
So in keeping with this theme of introducing you to Our Family, I think it's time I began telling you Our Story. So now you know where Hubs and I first met. Stay tuned for more...
xoxo Miss E
What I'm Listening To...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
- I can rock music trivia like no other. I love music and once I know a song title/lyrics/artist, I rarely forget them.
- I am a sensitive person who takes on the hopes, dreams, fears and heartaches of my family and friends. Good or bad, I'm your girl.
- I love accessories. {Just like my Grammy!} Purses, shoes, jewelry, scarves - I love them all. There's nothing better than to put together the perfect outfit down to the very last detail.
- I love my professional life (although I sometimes get burned out). I get so much pleasure out of doing something that I'm good at each and every day. And that ultimately wins out over the lazy side of me who'd rather stay in bed (literally) all day long.
- I have every color of Sharpie or Sharpie-like product ever made. Seriously. I make the best color-coded lists.
- I can recreate pretty much any meal I've eaten in a restaurant without a recipe. And that's coming from a girl who could barely make Kraft Mac & Cheese 4 years ago. I just had to believe in myself.
- I'm quite sure I'm getting better - in all areas of my life - with age. Like wine. That's right, I have Happy Hour on my mind.
Monday, June 1, 2009
The Aftermath