I can't sleep because mostly because I'm a night owl and this is my prime time and partly because I've got a major case of the heebie jeebies going on. So instead of trying to sleep I'm up reading blogs, lusting over dresses and designing my free calendar poster collage courtesy of Snapfish. Even though I didn't know I needed a calendar poster collage until tonight. See how productive one can be at midnight?
So to the heebie jeebies... You know how dreams are usually all over the place and don't make much sense? And you usually can't remember the details in the morning? Well my dreams are extremely vivid and intense. Which has its pros and cons.
Last night I had this uber scary crazy dream where there was a hole in the wall of my bedroom, but not all the way through to the other side of the wall. Just through one side of the drywall. And in it? There were plants growing. Delicate, tiny-leafed, viney plants. Which is fine and dandy until I realize that I have a similar hole in my forehead and the same plants are growing inside my head. Now what I'm thinking is where is my brain if these plants are growing behind my eyeballs? Which is a totally valid question, right? Which is followed by I have to cut these things out of my head! Which is followed by how do I cut them out without damaging my non-existent brain?! So at some point in all of this freaking out, Hubs puts Band Aids across the hole and tries to get me to my Dad aka medical help.
End scene.
The alarm goes off and I wake up and have actual goosebumps all over my body as a result of this bat crazy dream. Good news is that I soon forget about it all in the hustle of the day. But after dinner I remembered it again and now ohmygosh I can't forget it.
So as I'm writing this I know how incredibly lame-oh this must sound. I mean, it sounds that way to me. But what does it mean!? And why is it haunting me?
In an attempt to distract myself and now you since I know you're wondering why the hell did you just read about my stupid plant dream I will share with you this goodness:
Ouma Clothing
Did it work? Are you sufficiently distracted? Here's hoping so!
PS - Leave me a comment and interpret my dream. Oh there I go again...