Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Hi everyone! Life's been a whirlwind lately for Miss E. The trip to Denver was *awesome* and I can't wait to recap it for you (complete with lovely pics!). I've also gotten an award or two (my first!) along with my first giveaway win thanks to the always-inspiring Coco+Kelley. I will update you on all of this a-sap, I promise! I was catching up on my Reader and came across this post. I am a huge fan of the blog Stuff White People Like and find it hilarious. This one goes out to all my fellow Mad Men fans. If you haven't read it, you must. #123 Mad Men Talk to you all again soon! xoxo Miss E

1 comment:

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Glad you had a great trip! Can't wait to hear all about it.